Thursday, November 11, 2010

Time to Eat!

When it was time to eat, Daddy Ken was always first in line. He said it was because he had 4 brothers growing up.

If you wanted any food, you had to get there fast!  This was one time I actually beat Daddy Ken in filling my plate. 


Staci said...

Great picture! He really loved food...of course, what person wouldn't when you have Grandmommy cooking for you!!!

Leave It To Davis said...

That's the truth! There were times when we had french fries that I was slow getting to the table, and of course, they were all gone. That's a really good picture of you both. Very appropriate for Thanksgiving post. He really looks happy in this. Thanks for sharing. :)

Ginger said...

That's a wonderful picture of him. Wish he was here.