Saturday, September 4, 2010

Something Special about the First Grandchild!

What a special relationship Daddy Ken and Ginger had! She was his first grandchild. Oh... he loved them all the same but it just seems there is a special bond with that first grandchild that is a little different. It's hard to explain until it happens to you.

Grandchildren are such a blessing and Ginger has always been a special blessing to Daddy Ken.

We all had to let him go but we still feel the love he had for us and I take comfort in knowing he felt confident of our love for him. Thank you Ginger for always making Daddy Ken feel special!
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Leave It To Davis said...

I was missing Daddy tonight and just clicked on his blog to read some of what he wrote and was pleasantly surprised to find that you have been posting on here, Steve. How sweet that you are keeping his memory alive. I love you.

Ginger said...

I'm so thankful I was his 1st grandchild...I got to spend lots of time with him making wonderful memories...memories that can never be taken from me. Making Daddy Ken feel special was easy because he was special...very special to me. I miss him so much.