Monday, April 9, 2007

Time goes by to fast for us.

Soon it will be May,15 th .That is the night we gathered together at my Mother and Daddy's ,to join our life's as man and wife. Soon Jo Faye began to grow larger finally our beloved son Steve came into our union . What a wonderful day that was . After that day Jo Faye and I have been blessed more than anyone could expect. Steven has been all that ether of us could have hoped for .For that matter,I am sure that GOD would say the same. Later Jo Faye did it once more ,this time she gave birth to the sweetest little girls this world will ever know,she is called Cindy. Again we were blessed. Both have given us 3 grandchildren who have again made us verry proud. So far only one Great Grandchild ,Not bad forso few years ,lets see what the next few years bring........


Steve and Joan said...

We have great parents! We love you!


Staci said...

When you have time...tell us some stories on your blog. You could tell us about things you did as a kid (I know there are lots of stories there!) or things you did with Dad & Cindy when they were little....(just some ideas). I love hearing you tell us about memories of the past. I love you!

Steve and Joan said...

Hey Dad, would you tell us about June the horse we had? Give us the whole story about how you got her, buying the saddle and gear, where she was kept, and what happened. Thanks!
